Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Red Pull-Back Motor since June 2016. High accuracy
LEGO 818 Red Pull-Back Motor was a 8 piece Basic set released in 1990. Today's value for a new/sealed Red Pull-Back Motor is estimated around $15 with a average yearly gain of 6% and is expected to level off closer to 1% soon. The current used prices for Red Pull-Back Motor can be found in the range of $3 and $4 depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $3 if it is in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) eBay listings for Red Pull-Back Motor
(US) Price stickers.

Sets in Basic / Supplementaries

Theme / Subtheme Basic / Supplementaries
Year 1992
Pieces 39
Availability Retired
846 LEGO Lighting Set, 9V
Retail $17.99
Value $78.01
Growth  333.6%
Annual growth 4.9%
Theme / Subtheme Basic / Supplementaries
Year 1992
Pieces 27
Availability Retired
845 LEGO Battery Motor, 9V
Retail $12.99
Value $40.11
Growth  208.8%
Annual growth 3.8%
Theme / Subtheme Basic / Supplementaries
Year 1987
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
789 LEGO Storage Cloth
Retail $9.50
Value $44.56
Growth  369.1%
Annual growth 4.3%
Theme / Subtheme Basic / Supplementaries
Year 1991
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
819 LEGO Blue Baseplate
Retail $5.49
Value $15.82
Growth  188.2%
Annual growth 3.3%
Theme / Subtheme Basic / Supplementaries
Year 1990
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
821 LEGO Brick Separator, Grey
Retail $2.25
Value $4.36
Growth  93.8%
Annual growth 2.0%
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