The LEGO Advanced Models Trains subtheme consists of 6 minifigs that were released from 2009 to 2011 and based 2 sets. On average, these minifigs have an annual growth rate of 6.9%.
Most valuable Advanced Models Trains minifig
Maersk Train Workman 1 (trn149) $20.27
Highest growth Trains minifig
Maersk Train Workman 2 (trn150) +235.60%
Most owned Advanced Models Trains minifig
Maersk Train Workman 3 (trn151)
Set with the most Advanced Models Trains minifigs
10194 Emerald Night 3 minifigs
The Trains subtheme includes minifigures such as train conductors, passengers, and railway workers. These sets feature elaborate train models, including steam engines, passenger cars, and freight trains, along with detailed train stations.
Minifig number trn151
Workman 3 from Maersk Train with a smile and white glasses
Value $17.75
Growth 207.6%
Annual growth 8.9%
Minifig number trn150
Workman 2 from the Maersk Train set wearing silver sunglasses
Value $16.78
Growth 235.6%
Annual growth 9.6%
Minifig number trn149
Workman 1 on Maersk Train with a gray beard
Value $20.27
Growth 185.9%
Annual growth 8.3%
Minifig number trn146
Conductor with dark blue suit featuring train logo, sand blue legs, and dark orange hair
Value $6.93
Growth 208.0%
Annual growth 7.7%
Minifig number trn144
Railway engineer wearing a black kepi
Value $18.78
Growth 142.3%
Annual growth 6.0%
Minifig number pln158
Minifigure with a plain blue torso and white arms, light bluish gray legs, and tan ponytail hair
Value $9.73
Growth 9.8%
Annual growth 3.7%