Minifig number sh901
The Joker - Dark Turquoise Bow Tie, Plain Legs, Hair
Value $10.21
Growth 7.9%
Minifig number sh900
The Joker - Dark Turquoise Bow Tie, Plain Legs, Fedora
Value $8.21
Growth 38.7%
Minifig number sh899
Batman - Black Suit, Gold Belt, Cowl with White Eyes, Neutral \/ Angry with Bared Teeth
Value $7.48
Growth 3.3%
Minifig number sh672
Value $16.47
Growth 229.4%
Annual growth 30.4%
Minifig number sh671
The Joker - black tailcoat
Value $26.42
Growth 428.4%
Annual growth 27.4%
Minifig number sh609
Value $12.03
Growth 67.8%
Annual growth 8.6%
Minifig number sh608
The Joker - dark turquoise bow tie
Value $36.13
Growth 228.8%
Annual growth 22.2%
Minifig number sh607
Batman with one piece mask and cape
Value $30.50
Growth 205.0%
Annual growth 16.6%