The LEGO DUPLO Marvel Super Hero Adventures sets introduce young children to the world of superheroes with larger, easy-to-handle bricks. Notable sets include "Spider-Man & Friends: Funfair Adventure" (10963), released in 2022, which features Spider-Man, Hulk, and Ms. Marvel at a funfair with elements like a carnival ride, hotdog stand, and various accessories for a fun fairground experience; and "Super Heroes Lab" (10921), released in 2020, which includes Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Captain America figures along with a lab setting equipped with gadgets and tools for superhero activities. These sets are designed to encourage imaginative play and storytelling while introducing children to popular Marvel characters.
The LEGO DUPLO theme is designed for children ages 1 to 5. It features DUPLO figures which are much larger than minifigures and DUPLO blocks which are about twice the length, width, and height of a standard System brick.