The LEGO Friends Pets subtheme consists of 13 mini-doll figures, the first of which was introduced this year, and consists of 4 sets.
Most valuable Friends Pets mini-doll figure
Anthony (frnd697) $5.14
Highest growth Pets mini-doll figure
Jamila (frnd691) +26.77%
Set with the most Friends Pets mini-doll figures
42615 Pet Adoption Day 3 mini-doll figures
Mini-doll figure number frnd739
Nova from Friends theme wears a medium azure sleeveless hoodie, yellowish green shorts, and bright light yellow sandals
Value $3.39
Growth  +20.6%
Mini-doll figure number frnd717
Liann from Friends theme, wearing a coral jacket, bright light orange shorts, and coral shoes
Value $2.48
Growth  +14.8%
Mini-doll figure number frnd716
Olly is wearing a white shirt with black stripes, coral suspenders, dark azure trousers, and white shoes
Value $2.50
Growth  +17.4%
Mini-doll figure number frnd700
Friends Ida
Value $4.57
Growth  +18.1%
Mini-doll figure number frnd699
Micro doll Alba from Friends theme wearing a light aqua dress
Value $4.56
Growth  +18.4%
Mini-doll figure number frnd698
Micro doll version of Friends character Ella wearing a bright pink watermelon dress
Value $4.49
Growth  +7.7%
Mini-doll figure number frnd697
Friends Anthony
Value $5.14
Growth  +1.4%
Mini-doll figure number frnd696
Friends Iris
Value $4.31
Growth  +17.8%
Mini-doll figure number frnd695
Paisley wearing a bright light yellow and medium lavender tank top, sand blue bell-bottom trousers, and medium lavender shoes
Value $3.66
Growth  +17.3%
Mini-doll figure number frnd691
Friends Jamila
Value $2.51
Growth  +26.8%
Mini-doll figure number frnd675
Baby minifigure with stud holder on back, smiling face, large eyes, and hair pattern (Baby Jayson/Eman, 6469473)
Value $2.22
Growth  +17.5%
Mini-doll figure number frnd627
Paisley from Friends theme with a light aqua vest, sand blue bell-bottom trousers, and medium lavender shoes
Value $3.19
Growth  +17.7%
Mini-doll figure number frnd599
Zac from Friends is wearing a red, white, and yellow hoodie with zippers, white trousers with large pockets, and black shoes
Value $1.91
Growth  +17.9%