The LEGO Friends Space subtheme, introduced in 2022, inlcudes 10 mini-doll figures across 4 sets.
Most valuable Friends Space mini-doll figure
William (frnd736) $4.63
Highest growth Space mini-doll figure
Julian (Adult) (frnd694) +53.79%
Most owned Friends Space mini-doll figure
Dr. Vidya (frnd520)
Set with the most Friends Space mini-doll figures
41713 Olivia's Space Academy 4 mini-doll figures
Mini-doll figure number frnd736
Friends William
Value $4.63
Growth  +22.2%
Mini-doll figure number frnd730
Nova from Friends theme wears a blue shirt with Classic Space logo, yellowish green shorts, and bright light yellow sandals
Value $3.64
Growth  +3.4%
Mini-doll figure number frnd694
Adult Julian is an astronaut in a reddish orange spacesuit
Value $4.06
Growth  +53.8%
Mini-doll figure number frnd693
Aveline as the mission commander
Value $3.97
Growth  +29.7%
Mini-doll figure number frnd692
Adult Olivia is dressed as an astronaut in a reddish orange space suit
Value $4.01
Growth  +26.9%
Mini-doll figure number frnd656
Aliya from Friends theme wearing a medium lavender top, yellow skirt, and metallic pink sandals
Value $1.44
Growth  +17.1%
Mini-doll figure number frnd521
Julian from Friends theme wearing a space training uniform
Value $2.12
Growth  +5.5%
Mini-doll figure number frnd520
Friends Dr. Vidya
Value $1.91
Growth  +17.9%
Mini-doll figure number frnd519
William in a space suit
Value $1.96
Growth  +18.1%
Mini-doll figure number frnd518
Olivia from Friends theme wearing a space suit
Value $2.04
Growth  +1.5%