Minifig Value (New/Loose)

This represents the current value of the minifig Arctic Explorer since 2018. High accuracy

For Sale (New/Loose)

*** US listings for Arctic Explorer ***
BrickEconomy Choice
(BE) BrickLink store Raxelle62 (BE / NL Store)
(AT) BrickLink store Atelier Waltraud
(DE) BrickLink store GoerlitzerSteinchenHandel
(DE) ACHTUNG! Nicht fr Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet. Kleinteile. Erstickungsgefahr! Prei...
(DE) BrickLink store Stone by Stone
(US) BrickLink store HHH Brick Depot
(GR) BrickLink store Fantasy Brick Store
(DE) Johanna bygger LOVES YOU
(RU) BrickLink store Talking Island
(DK) BrickLink store Bimzes Bricks
(AU) BrickLink store HillsBricks
(US) BrickLink store Bricks In Motion
(IT) BrickLink store Fedro's House
(UK) BrickLink store Jurassic Bricks
Show 41 more listings

For Sale Ranges

This chart shows the sales listing trends of Arctic Explorer.

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/loose LEGO Arctic Explorer.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/loose LEGO Arctic Explorer.

Arctic Explorer Appears in the Following LEGO Sets

Theme / Subtheme City / Arctic
Year 2018
Pieces / Minifigs 786 / 6
Availability Retired
60195 LEGO City Arctic Mobile Exploration Base
Retail $119.99
Value $161.29
Growth  +34.4%
Annual growth 7.1%
Theme / Subtheme City / Arctic
Year 2018
Pieces / Minifigs 200 / 1
Availability Retired
60192 LEGO City Arctic Ice Crawler
Retail $24.99
Value $33.70
Growth  +34.9%
Annual growth 4.5%