Minifig Value (New/Loose)

This represents the current value of the minifig Gorzan since 2014. High accuracy

For Sale (New/Loose)

US listings for Gorzan
BrickEconomy Choice
(KR) BrickLink store Ace of Brick $2.49
(FR) Neuve, jamais assemble, 100% complte. Avec tous les accessoiresNew never assembled, 1... $2.49
(BE) BrickLink store elando15-newbricks $2.60
(FR) BrickLink store Brickachoy $2.63
(FR) BrickLink store Collectorfigs33 $2.68
(NO) BrickLink store Brickdome $2.90
(CA) BrickLink store Cbast_Store + Technic Part $2.94
(US) BrickLink store gotalot $3.00
(US) BrickLink store ARBCO Bricks $3.00
(US) BrickLink store Abe's Store $3.04
(UK) Not assembled $3.10
(FR) 100% new, no scratches, like on picture $3.36
(US) Not Assembled $3.37
(FR) BrickLink store Breizh Brick $3.38
Show 30 more listings

For Sale Ranges

This chart shows the sales listing trends of Gorzan.

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/loose LEGO Gorzan.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/loose LEGO Gorzan.

Gorzan Appears in the Following LEGO Sets

Theme / Subtheme Legends of Chima / Outlands
Year 2014
Pieces / Minifigs 292 / 2
Availability Retired
70130 LEGO Legends of Chima Sparratus' Spider Stalker
Retail $24.99
Value $43.45
Growth  +73.9%
Annual growth 5.1%
Theme / Subtheme Legends of Chima / Speedorz
Year 2014
Pieces / Minifigs 120 / 1
Availability Retired
70136 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Banana Bash
Retail $12.99
Value $17.22
Growth  +32.6%
Annual growth 2.8%