Minifig Value (New/Loose)

This represents the current value of the minifig Nuckal since 2011. High accuracy

For Sale (New/Loose)

Best US listing for Nuckal
BrickEconomy Choice
(NL) BrickLink store Hobbyshop $6.75
(US) Great condition - out of original packaging $6.99
(US) BrickLink store Lou's Brick Shop $7.99
(MY) BrickLink store Kuching Brick Store $8.75
(CA) All parts are in mint condition. These are from my personal reserve, of which I am th... $8.81
(IT) come nuova, perfetta $9.00
(NZ) BrickLink store Parts Paradise $9.01
(HK) BrickLink store Skybricker $9.99
Show 18 more listings

For Sale Ranges

This chart shows the sales listing trends of Nuckal.

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/loose LEGO Nuckal.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/loose LEGO Nuckal.

Nuckal Appears in the Following LEGO Sets

Theme / Subtheme Ninjago / Pilot Season
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 373 / 3
Availability Retired
2504 LEGO Ninjago Spinjitzu Dojo
Retail $49.99
Value $112.01
Growth  +124.1%
Annual growth 6.3%
Theme / Subtheme Ninjago / Spinners
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 174 / 2
Availability Retired
2518 LEGO Ninjago Spinners Nuckal's ATV
Retail $24.99
Value $101.76
Growth  +307.2%
Annual growth 8.6%