Minifig Value (New/Loose)

This represents the current value of the minifig Mysterio since 2019. High accuracy

For Sale (New/Loose)

Best US listing for Mysterio
BrickEconomy Choice
(US) BrickLink store Astonishing Bricks $3.99
(US) mint flawless $4.00
(NL) BrickLink store Kepes Bricks $4.17
(US) BrickLink store NielsenBricks $4.52
(CA) BrickLink store 416 Bricks $4.66
(US) BrickLink store Block Runner $4.73
(CA) BrickLink store West Coast Brickz $4.78
(CA) BrickLink store Capstone Bricks $4.79
(CA) BrickLink store Wyatt's Bricks $4.85
(US) put together for display only $4.90
(NZ) BrickLink store Macs Bricks NZ - 20% Sale $4.96
(DK) Pulled from sealed set. $5.02
(CA) Mint Condition Brand New. Sealed $5.15
(CA) BrickLink store The Brick Studio $5.17
Show 45 more listings

For Sale Ranges

This chart shows the sales listing trends of Mysterio.

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/loose LEGO Mysterio.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/loose LEGO Mysterio.

Mysterio Appears in the Following LEGO Sets

Year 2019
Pieces / Minifigs 504 / 4
Availability Retired
76130 LEGO Spider-Man Far From Home Stark Jet and Drone Attack
Retail $69.99
Value $74.55
Growth  +6.5%
Annual growth 1.3%
Year 2019
Pieces / Minifigs 471 / 4
Availability Retired
76129 LEGO Spider-Man Far From Home Hydro-Man Attack
Retail $39.99
Value $45.29
Growth  +13.3%
Annual growth 1.8%
Year 2019
Pieces / Minifigs 294 / 3
Availability Retired
76128 LEGO Spider-Man Far From Home Molten Man Battle
Retail $29.99
Value $65.13
Growth  +117.2%
Annual growth 18.1%