Duplo figure number 47394pb222
Female Duplo figure with tan legs, black hair, wearing a green jacket with dark green collar and bright green arms
Buy this Duplo figure at
Value $2.52
Growth +6.8%
Annual growth 1.5%
Duplo figure number 47394pb101
Male Duplo Figure in Lego Ville with dark bluish gray legs, a bright green button-down shirt, a red cap, brown eyes, and an open mouth smile
Buy this Duplo figure at
Value $1.75
Growth +57.7%
Annual growth 2.5%
Duplo figure number 47394pb076
Male LEGO Ville Duplo figure fireman with black legs, brown hands, white helmet, and brown face
Buy this Duplo figure at
Value $1.86
Growth +26.5%
Annual growth 1.1%
Duplo figure number 47394pb061
Male Duplo Figure Fireman with black legs, nougat hands, white helmet, and light gray moustache
Buy this Duplo figure at
Value $1.97
Growth +80.7%
Annual growth 2.9%
Duplo figure number 47394pb021
Duplo Figure Lego Ville, Female with dark tan legs, tan top, reddish brown ponytail hair, and green eyes
Buy this Duplo figure at
Value $3.87
Growth +25.2%
Annual growth 1.2%