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LSP Imaginopedia for Skills Build currently ranks #23 out of the top most owned sets in Serious Play.
LEGO SERIOUS PLAY provides a tool for deep reflection and effective dialogue. The exercises in this Imaginopedia are designed to take you through a three- stage process (Constructing, Metaphors, and Story Making) of perfecting your skills as a story maker using a specially designed set of LEGO® Bricks.
Play is the best way people have to imagine, interact, and learn, especially when they
face complex and uncertain challenges. Play frees us to take risks, to imagine the
unimaginable and to take on different roles.
Through play we can test and hone our skills, develop new insights, and prepare
ourselves for the unknown. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ is a technique for deep reflection, an
effective dialogue and creative problem solving
Description provided by LEGO©