Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Educational Building Set since June 2023. Very high accuracy
LEGO 1045-2 Educational Building Set was a 683 piece Dacta set released in 1976. The current value for a new and sealed Educational Building Set is estimated at $114, with an average annual growth of approximately 2%. On secondary markets, the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between $92 and $174. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $93 and $105, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(LK) Friends Heartlake City Hospital Set 42621 - 1045 Pcs $78.35
(CA) Friends Heartlake City Hospital Toy Pretend Playset 42621 BRAND NEW 1045pcs $80.00
(LK) City Ski and Climbing Center 60366 - 1045 Pcs $89.35
(US) City Ski & Climbing Center 3-Level Building Set with 8 Minifigures, 1045pcs
BrickEconomy Choice
(US) Friends Heartlake City Hospital, 1045pcs Play Set for Kids, Ages 7+ $129.99
(US) 42621 LEGO Friends Heartlake City Hospital Toy Playset (1045 Pieces) $137.99
(US) Friends Heartlake City Hospital 1045pc $144.99
(US) CITY SKI AND CLIMBING CENTER 60366 Buidling Kit 1045 Pcs Set SEALED NEW $159.81
(US) CITY SKI AND CLIMBING CENTER #60366 Buidling Kit 1045 Pcs Set SEALED NEW $169.99
(US) Friends Heartlake City Hospital 42621 Toy Building Kit 1045 pcs $179.54

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 1045-2 Educational Building Set.

Sets in Dacta / Duplo

Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1993
Pieces / Duplo figures 550 / 8
Availability Retired
9090 LEGO Dacta XL Duplo Bulk Set
Value $259.52
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1998
Pieces / Duplo figures 117 / 6
Availability Retired
9203-2 LEGO Dacta Duplo Tech Machines
Retail $104.99
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 94 / 12
Availability Retired
1021 LEGO Dacta Duplo Basic Vehicles with 78 Elements
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1991
Pieces / Duplo figures 89 / 4
Availability Retired
1040 LEGO Dacta Duplo Farm
Value $67.52
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces 86
Availability Retired
1020 LEGO Dacta Duplo Basic Bricks with 90 Elements
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 82 / 4
Availability Retired
1040-2 LEGO Dacta Duplo Farm Set
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1988
Pieces 81
Availability Retired
9220 LEGO Dacta Duplo Farm Scene Mosaics
Value $277.04
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1988
Pieces 81
Availability Retired
9221 LEGO Dacta Duplo Town Scene Mosaics
Value $574.10
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 77 / 6
Availability Retired
1041 LEGO Dacta Duplo Harbor
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1998
Pieces / Duplo figures 74 / 2
Availability Retired
9139 LEGO Dacta Duplo Push Train Set
Retail $76.50
Value $278.72
Growth  +264.3%
Annual growth 4.9%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 74 / 4
Availability Retired
9150 LEGO Dacta Duplo Furniture
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1980
Pieces 68
Availability Retired
1041-2 LEGO Dacta Educational Duplo Building Set
Retail $36.49
Value $167.42
Growth  +358.8%
Annual growth 3.4%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 61 / 6
Availability Retired
1046 LEGO Dacta Duplo Train Set
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1988
Pieces / Duplo figures 60 / 6
Availability Retired
9155 LEGO Dacta Duplo Circus
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 33 / 6
Availability Retired
1044 LEGO Dacta Duplo Community Vehicles
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1998
Pieces / Duplo figures 32 / 2
Availability Retired
9137 LEGO Dacta Duplo Farm Animals Set
Retail $30.25
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1989
Pieces 32
Availability Retired
9154 LEGO Dacta Duplo Bridge and Rails
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1995
Pieces / Duplo figures 32 / 2
Availability Retired
9653 LEGO Dacta Duplo Mechanical Toy Shop
Retail $37.50
Value $67.70
Growth  +80.5%
Annual growth 2.0%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces 30
Availability Retired
1043 LEGO Dacta Duplo Farm Animals Set
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 29 / 2
Availability Retired
1022 LEGO Dacta Duplo Mini Basic Bricks
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1995
Pieces / Duplo figures 24 / 24
Availability Retired
9171 LEGO Dacta Duplo World People
Retail $38.50
Value $121.25
Growth  +214.9%
Annual growth 3.9%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces 20
Availability Retired
1045 LEGO Dacta Duplo Industrial Elements
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1995
Pieces / Duplo figures 18 / 18
Availability Retired
9170 LEGO Dacta Duplo Community People Set
Retail $28.60
Value $79.99
Growth  +179.7%
Annual growth 3.6%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces 14
Availability Retired
9006 LEGO Dacta Duplo Play and Build Centre
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Duplo
Year 1986
Pieces / Duplo figures 12 / 12
Availability Retired
1042 LEGO Dacta Duplo Community People