Set Value (New/Sealed)

This data represents the current estimated value of the set Barbecue since February 2015. Medium/lowaccuracy
LEGO 2773 Barbecue was a 11 piece Duplo set with 3 Duplo figures released in 1991. The current value for a new, factory sealed Barbecue is estimated to be around $54. Current used prices for Barbecue range from $44 to $50, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $45 for those in good overall condition.
Barbecue (set 2773-1) is an extremely old and rare LEGO set. It has not been seen for sale online or in retail stores in good/new condition in over 2 years. Due to its rarity, the current estimated value of $54.41 may be much lower than its true value, assuming it can be found for sale. As this set was released in 1991, finding it sealed and in good condition is particularly challenging, likely driving its true value even higher.
There are currently no new/sealed listings available for Barbecue at this time.
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