Forecast Model

This represents the expected annual growth (CAGR) based on a forecast model only.
LEGO 45604 Distance Sensor is a Education set released in 2020. The current retail price is $34.95, however, the average price on the secondary markets is around $37 which could indicate the set is backordered or temporarily out of stock in various regions. Once retired, the expected annual growth will be close to 6% after the second year, which will value the set between $40 and $43 shortly after it is retired.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

This chart shows the sales listing trends of 45604 Distance Sensor.
(US) Official LEGO Distance Sensor
(DE) BrickLink store RUBRICK by majonas
(SI) BrickLink store 3 BRICKS sale -15%
(NZ) Education SPIKE Prime Distance Sensor (45604)
(CZ) BrickLink store Brick Shop CZ
(US) BrickLink store I Got a Meatball!

Sets in Education / SPIKE Prime

Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces 603
Availability Retired
45680 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Expansion set
Retail $99.95
Value $235.39
Growth  +135.5%
Annual growth 11.4%
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces / Minifigs 523 / 2
Availability Retired
45678 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set
Retail $384.95
Value $443.84
Growth  +15.3%
Annual growth 3.8%
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces 108
Availability Retired
2000719 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Replacement Parts Pack
Retail $4.95
Value $9.96
Growth  +101.2%
Annual growth 15.8%
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces 53
Availability Retired
2000720 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Workshop Kit
Value $7.63
Annual growth 5.9%
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces 1
Availability Retail
45601 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Large Hub
Retail $247.95
Available at retail
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces 1
Availability Retail
45602 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Large Angular Motor
Retail $34.95
Available at retail
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
45610 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Large Hub Battery
Retail $59.95
Value $105.73
Growth  +76.4%
Annual growth 10.5%
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Availability Retail
45603 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Medium Angular Motor
Retail $32.95
Available at retail
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Availability Retail
45605 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Color Sensor
Retail $23.95
Available at retail
Theme / Subtheme Education / SPIKE Prime
Year 2020
Availability Retail
45606 LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Force Sensor
Retail $20.95
Available at retail
Deliver high-accuracy results with the LEGO® Technic™ Distance Sensor, featuring 1-200cm range, +/- 1cm accuracy, programmable LED ‘eyes’ and an integrated 6-pin adaptor for third-party sensors, boards and DIY hardware.
Description provided by LEGO©