Rebuild the World Tin Sign Reviews
The Brothers Brick
“This is the most minimalistic of the signs, but still my favorite. I love the rocket-powered snail, and the meta-theme is great. Despite my reservations about these tins, I’d probably still pick this one up just because it’s cute. The tins themselves are protected with a... More thin sheet of tissue paper. This worked well, and none of the actual tins had any visible scratches when I removed them.”
Subtheme Analysis
Annual growth
+5.66% (this set +31.30%)
This set's annual growth (CAGR) vs. subtheme
If you think a snail with rocket boosters makes perfect sense, then this Rebuild the World tin sign is for you. The sign is 300mmx150mm and is designed to remind LEGO builders that anything is possible when you fire up your imagination!
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