Set Value (New/Sealed)

This data represents the current estimated value of the set Building Set since February 2015. Medium/lowaccuracy
LEGO 510-3 Building Set was a 17 piece Duplo set released in 1969. It was a pre-school set. The current value for a new, factory sealed Building Set is estimated to be around $165. Current used prices for Building Set range from $134 to $153, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $137 for those in good overall condition.
Building Set (set 510-3) is an extremely old and rare LEGO set. It has not been seen for sale online or in retail stores in good/new condition in over 2 years. Due to its rarity, the current estimated value of $165.09 may be much lower than its true value, assuming it can be found for sale. As this set was released in 1969, finding it sealed and in good condition is particularly challenging, likely driving its true value even higher.
There are currently no new/sealed listings available for Building Set at this time.
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Sets in Duplo / Basic Set

Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Basic Set
Year 1998
Pieces / Duplo figures 73 / 2
Availability Retired
2279 LEGO Duplo Tubular Motion
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Basic Set
Year 1970
Pieces 29
Availability Retired
513 LEGO Duplo Building Set
Retail $2.49
Value $38.19
Growth  +1433.7%
Annual growth 5.1%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Basic Set
Year 1969
Pieces 27
Availability Retired
511 LEGO Duplo Building Set
Retail $2.75
Value $257.29
Growth  +9256.0%
Annual growth 8.4%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Basic Set
Year 1970
Pieces 20
Availability Retired
512 LEGO Duplo Building Set
Retail $1.25
Value $21.38
Growth  +1610.4%
Annual growth 5.3%
Special large Duplo bricks with a few standard-size lego bricks added to lead toddlers naturally and easily into many years of creative Lego play.
Description provided by LEGO©