The Marvel Studios Series 2 (71039) minifigures collection is based on shows from Disney+ and features the following twelve characters: Agatha Harkness, Beast, Echo, Goliath, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Moon Knight, Mr. Knight, She-Hulk, Storm, The Werewolf and Wolverine.
Marvel Studios Series 2 was introduced in 2023 and currently consists of 16 sets. As of today,
Marvel Studios Series 2 Sealed Box is the most valuable Marvel Studios Series 2 set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $169.
Minifigure Series Marvel Studios Series 2 Mr. Knight set 71039 was released in September 2023, retailing for $5, but has since been retired. New, unopened Mr. Knight sets are valued at $10, while used sets can be found for $4.
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