Set Value (New/Sealed)

This data represents the current estimated value of the set Brick Separators since February 2015. Medium/lowaccuracy
LEGO 9892 Brick Separators was a 2 piece Dacta set released in 1993. The current value for a new, factory sealed Brick Separators is estimated to be around $5. Current used prices for Brick Separators range from $4 to $5, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $4 for those in good overall condition.
Brick Separators has become a rare set, as set 9892-1 has not been available for sale online or in retail in new and good condition for over one year. The current value of this set might be slightly higher than our current estimate. The last brand new Brick Separators was sold on eBay.
There are currently no new/sealed listings available for Brick Separators at this time.
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Sets in Dacta / Supplementary Set

Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Supplementary Set
Year 1979
Pieces 304
Availability Retired
1072 Dacta Supplementary LEGO Set
Retail $16.30
Value $79.99
Growth  +390.7%
Annual growth 3.5%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Supplementary Set
Year 1998
Pieces 288
Availability Retired
9269 LEGO Dacta Wheels and Axles
Retail $33.99
Value $40.06
Growth  +17.9%
Annual growth 2.7%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Supplementary Set
Year 1998
Pieces 250
Availability Retired
9265 LEGO Dacta Roof Tiles
Retail $25.25
Value $50.31
Growth  +99.2%
Annual growth 3.2%
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Supplementary Set
Year 1998
Pieces 240
Availability Retired
9243 LEGO Dacta Doors, Windows and Roof Tiles
Value $94.31
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Supplementary Set
Year 1976
Pieces 198
Availability Retired
1077 LEGO Dacta Supplementary Set
Value $114.85
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Supplementary Set
Year 1986
Pieces 56
Availability Retired
1071 LEGO Dacta Bricks 2x2 and 2x4
Value $80.31