The LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes subtheme "Batman: The Animated Series" includes sets based on the popular animated TV show. This subtheme was introduced in 2023. It features key sets such as "Batmobile: Batman vs. The Joker Chase" (76224) with 438 pieces, depicting a classic showdown between Batman and The Joker, and "Batcave: Batman vs. The Joker" (76252) with 3,981 pieces, which is a detailed representation of the Batcave and includes multiple minifigures such as Batman, The Joker, and Alfred. These sets are notable for capturing the distinct style and characters from the animated series.
Theme / Subtheme DC Comics Super Heroes / Batman: The Animated Series
Year 2024
Pieces / Minifigs 4,208 / 4
Availability Retail
76271 LEGO Batman The Animated Series Gotham City
Retail $299.99
Available at retail
Theme / Subtheme DC Comics Super Heroes / Batman: The Animated Series
Year 2024
Pieces / Minifigs 435 / 3
Availability Retail
76274 LEGO Batman The Animated Series Batman with the Batmobile vs Harley Quinn and Mr. Freeze
Retail $59.99
Available at retail