Party is a subtheme of Friends that consists of 7 sets that ran from 2016 to 2017. Most sets were released in 2016 which accounted for 6 sets. As of today, the average annual growth of sets in Friends Party is approximately 2.8% per year.
Most valuable Friends Party set
41132 Heartlake Party Shop $37.87
Highest growth Friends Party set
41112 Party Cakes +125.45%
Largest Friends Party set
41110 Birthday Party 191 pieces
The LEGO Friends Party subtheme includes notable sets such as 41132 Heartlake Party Shop (2016), 41310 Heartlake Gift Delivery (2017), and 41111 Party Train (2016). The 41132 Heartlake Party Shop features a store stocked with party supplies and decorations. The 41310 Heartlake Gift Delivery set includes a delivery van and a small store front, facilitating gift delivery around Heartlake City. The 41111 Party Train set features a small train with a cake and presents, adding a festive touch to the Friends series. This subtheme emphasizes celebration and party planning within the Heartlake City environment.
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2017
Pieces / Mini-doll figures 185 / 1
Availability Retired
41310 LEGO Friends Heartlake Gift Delivery
Retail $19.99
Value $29.69
Growth  +48.5%
Annual growth 5.3%
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2016
Pieces / Mini-doll figures 191 / 1
Availability Retired
41110 LEGO Friends Birthday Party
Retail $19.99
Value $27.06
Growth  +35.4%
Annual growth 2.2%
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2016
Pieces / Mini-doll figures 176 / 2
Availability Retired
41132 LEGO Friends Heartlake Party Shop
Retail $29.99
Value $37.87
Growth  +26.3%
Annual growth 2.8%
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2016
Pieces / Mini-doll figures 109 / 1
Availability Retired
41111 LEGO Friends Train
Retail $9.99
Value $13.30
Growth  +33.1%
Annual growth 2.8%
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2016
Pieces 54
Availability Retired
41114 LEGO Friends Styling
Retail $4.99
Value $10.71
Growth  +114.6%
Annual growth 5.6%
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2016
Pieces 52
Availability Retired
41113 LEGO Friends Gift Shop
Retail $4.99
Value $9.04
Growth  +81.2%
Annual growth 6.1%
Theme / Subtheme Friends / Party
Year 2016
Pieces 50
Availability Retired
41112 LEGO Friends Cakes
Retail $4.99
Value $11.25
Growth  +125.5%
Annual growth 9.0%