Mickey Mouse was introduced in 2000 and currently consists of 5 sets. As of today, the average annual growth of sets in Mickey Mouse is approximately 4.9% per year.
Most valuable LEGO Mickey Mouse set
4167 Mickey's Mansion $210.78
Highest growth Mickey Mouse set
4178 Mickey's Fishing Adventure +498.08%
Most owned Mickey Mouse set
4164 Mickey's Fire Engine
The vintage LEGO Mickey Mouse theme was released in 2000 with sets that were based on the Fabuland theme type of construction. The vintage Mickey Mouse sets included charcters such as Mickey, Minnie and Pluto and contained on 5 sets.
Theme Mickey Mouse
Year 2000
Pieces / Minifigs 119 / 2
Availability Retired
4167 LEGO Mickey Mouse Mickey's Mansion
Retail $39.99
Value $210.78
Growth  +427.1%
Annual growth 4.3%
Theme Mickey Mouse
Year 2000
Pieces / Minifigs 104 / 2
Availability Retired
4178 LEGO Mickey Mouse Mickey's Fishing Adventure
Retail $23.99
Value $143.48
Growth  +498.1%
Annual growth 7.5%
Theme Mickey Mouse
Year 2000
Pieces / Minifigs 88 / 1
Availability Retired
4166 LEGO Mickey Mouse Mickey's Car Garage
Retail $19.99
Value $108.47
Growth  +442.6%
Annual growth 8.8%
Theme Mickey Mouse
Year 2000
Pieces / Minifigs 82 / 2
Availability Retired
4165 LEGO Mickey Mouse Minnie's Birthday Party
Retail $16.99
Value $76.05
Growth  +347.6%
Annual growth 7.0%
Theme Mickey Mouse
Year 2000
Pieces / Minifigs 26 / 1
Availability Retired
4164 LEGO Mickey Mouse Mickey's Fire Engine
Retail $9.99
Value $41.73
Growth  +317.7%
Annual growth 4.3%