Between 1969 and 1976, LEGO released a range of building sets under the LEGOLAND theme that included intricate structures and scenes like the ones you mentioned. Sets such as 353 Terrace House with Car and Garage, 349 Swiss Chalet, and 369 Coast Guard Station were part of this lineup. They offered detailed models featuring buildings, vehicles, and accessories, allowing children to create realistic and immersive environments for imaginative play.
1973 LEGO Sets
In 1973, LEGO released several new sets and themes, including the LEGO Town theme, which introduced the first minifigures with movable arms and legs. This was a major innovation for LEGO, as it allowed for much more realistic and detailed play scenarios. 1973 was also the year that LEGO introduced the LEGO DUPLO line. In addition to these new products, 1973 saw the release of several other popular LEGO sets and themes, such as the LEGO Castle theme and the LEGO Space theme. These sets, along with the new minifigures and DUPLO bricks, helped to cement LEGO's position as one of the leading toy brands in the world.