The LEGO SpongeBob SquarePants theme was based on the Nickelodeon SpongeBob SquarePants television series and licensed by the LEGO Group in 2006. A number of sets were released over the five-year period ending in 2011. The sets werer based upon the adventures and life of SpongeBob SquarePants. The theme was discontinued when LEGO's rival, MEGA Brands, acquired the license for SpongeBob SquarePants.
2012 LEGO Sets
2012 was a very important year for LEGO license themes, namely, the contract with Lucasfilm was renewed to extend Star Wars sets until at least 2022. The LEGO Group also celebrated its 80th anniversary in August of that year. 2012 also marked the year for one of the largest number of new and important themes being released which included The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Marvel Super Heroes, DC Super Heroes, Monster Fighters, Friends and LEGO Friends. With the introduction of all these new themes LEGO did discontinue a number of beloved themes in 2012 which included Alien Conquest, Atlantis, Pharaoh's Quest, Kingdoms and Harry Potter which did make a return six-years later, thankfully.