The LEGO Disney Princess subtheme "The Little Mermaid" is based on Disney's 1989 animated film "The Little Mermaid." This subtheme features sets such as Ariel's Amazing Treasures, Ariel and the Magical Spell, and Ariel's Seaside Castle. These sets capture key locations and moments from the film, including Ariel's underwater grotto filled with human artifacts, Ursula's lair, and Prince Eric's seaside castle. "The Little Mermaid" follows the story of Ariel, a mermaid princess who dreams of living on land and falls in love with Prince Eric. Through these sets, fans can reenact scenes from Ariel's journey, her encounters with Ursula the sea witch, and her ultimate transformation to live happily ever after with Eric.
2015 LEGO Sets
In 2105 LEGO celebrated its 60th anniversary. This was the year if many reintroductions in addition to a number of new themes being released. In 2015 LEGO released Dimensions, Elves, Jurassic World and one of our collector's favorites, Scooby-Doo. LEGO also reintroduced sets for BIONICLE and Pirates. Also that year, LEGO City celebrated its ten-year anniversary and Star Wars released sets for Episode VII The Force Awakens. However, LEGO did retire two licensed themes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Hobbit.