Minifig Value (New/Loose)

This represents the current value of the minifig Camper Child since 2018. High accuracy

For Sale (New/Loose)

*** US listings for Camper Child ***
BrickEconomy Choice
(CA) BrickLink store CosmicBrix
(CA) BrickLink store Brickenvrac
(US) Great condition- Out of original packaging
(NL) BrickLink store Winkel Blocks
(UA) BrickLink store Ukrainian_bricks
(US) BrickLink store MixedBrick
(US) BrickLink store 0 The Pitz Playhouse
(ZA) BrickLink store McT's Bricks
(RU) BrickLink store Alen.Moscowshop
(US) BrickLink store Sand Green with Envy
(DE) BrickLink store Brick 'N' Roll
(PT) BrickLink store Martins' store
(SE) BrickLink store enfotograf bricks
(ES) BrickLink store WHITE STORE
Show 39 more listings

For Sale Ranges

This chart shows the sales listing trends of Camper Child.

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/loose LEGO Camper Child.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/loose LEGO Camper Child.

Camper Child Appears in the Following LEGO Set

Theme / Subtheme City / General
Year 2018
Pieces / Minifigs 164 / 15
Availability Retired
60202 LEGO City People Pack Outdoor Adventures
Retail $39.99
Value $58.11
Growth  +45.3%
Annual growth 8.2%