Minifig number vik041
Female Viking warrior with dark brown hair, wearing leather armor and dark red legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.86
Growth +19.4%
Annual growth 8.1%
Minifig number vik040
Male Viking warrior wearing a dark tan jacket with tan fur, dark blue legs, and a flat silver helmet
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.47
Growth +27.4%
Annual growth 11.2%
Minifig number vik039
Female Viking warrior with dark bluish gray and silver armor, olive green legs, and bright light yellow hair with diadem
Buy this Minifig at
Value $10.07
Growth +36.4%
Annual growth 8.7%
Minifig number vik038
Male Viking warrior with dark orange beard and legs, wearing medium nougat leather armor and a flat silver helmet
Buy this Minifig at
Value $5.92
Growth +47.6%
Annual growth 18.7%
Minifig number twn506
Female modern house resident with yellowish green jacket over white shirt, tan legs, and medium nougat wavy hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.78
Growth +1.8%
Minifig number twn505
Male resident of a modern house wearing a white sweater with red horizontal stripes, bright light blue legs, and wavy dark brown hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.78
Growth +1.8%
Minifig number twn500
Woman with black mid-length tousled hair, wearing bright light blue denim jacket and dark red legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $5.89
Growth +51.4%
Minifig number twn499
Boy with black wavy hair, freckles, wearing a bright green sweater with zigzag lines and sand blue short legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $5.95
Growth +21.4%
Minifig number twn498
Girl child with white top featuring a raccoon, dark azure short legs, dark brown hair in a ponytail, and freckles
Buy this Minifig at
Value $6.50
Growth +32.7%
Minifig number twn481
A boy wearing a classic Space shirt with a Minifigure floating and back print, dark azure short legs, reddish brown spiked hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.01
Growth +17.6%
Minifig number twn480
Girl child wearing a white Classic Space shirt with red sleeves, dark green short legs and dark orange pigtails
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.19
Growth +6.0%
Minifig number twn479
Female space scientist wearing a dark azure jumpsuit, medium nougat hair, glasses, and an open mouth smile
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.01
Growth +17.6%
Minifig number twn478
Female astronaut in a flat silver spacesuit with harness, white panel with Classic Space logo, and bright light yellow hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.39
Growth +12.6%
Minifig number twn477
Dad with black hair, wearing a light bluish gray hoodie over a dark red shirt, with dark tan legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.05
Growth +2.0%
Minifig number twn476
Female record store clerk with bright light blue denim jacket, coral legs, dark orange hair, and freckles
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.16
Growth +5.0%
Minifig number twn475
Poppy Starr wearing a dark green hoodie and dark bluish gray legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.51
Growth +5.5%
Minifig number twn474
Male minifigure in a wheelchair with dark azure and dark blue shirt featuring mountains, tan legs, and tousled medium nougat hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.78
Growth +9.0%
Minifig number twn473
Male barista wearing a reddish brown apron with cup and name tag, sand blue legs, reddish brown flat cap, and hearing aid
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.16
Growth +5.0%
Minifig number twn472
Male hotel receptionist with black hair, beard, and glasses, wearing a blue vest with metallic light blue lapels and black legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.73
Growth +7.9%
Minifig number twn471
Girl child with white collared shirt featuring fruit, medium lavender short legs, dark brown short coiled hair, and glasses
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.57
Growth +0.8%
Minifig number twn468
Female Land Rover Classic Defender driver with bright light blue knotted top with pineapples, tan legs, dark orange hair, and green glasses
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.74
Growth +6.5%
Minifig number twn462
Female beach tourist with dark brown hair wearing a white top with green apples and lime dots, and blue legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.41
Growth +12.1%
Minifig number twn461
Male beach tourist with a white tank top featuring a dark azure sailboat, dark azure legs, and tan hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.31
Growth +6.0%
Minifig number twn443
Lady Liberty with hard plastic hair wearing a tiara
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.50
Growth +71.1%
Minifig number twn431
Chef with a white torso featuring 8 buttons and no wrinkles, paired with dark tan legs and black hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $1.91
Growth +15.8%
Annual growth 6.7%
Minifig number twn430
Woman with dark red jacket over a bright light blue shirt, sand blue legs, and dark brown hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $1.57
Growth +19.8%
Annual growth 8.3%
Minifig number twn429
Diver skeleton with black air tanks, dark turquoise flippers, and a dark bluish gray helmet
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.32
Growth +2.8%
Annual growth 1.2%
Minifig number twn428
Female submarine pilot with black hair wearing a flat silver and dark blue jacket
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.82
Growth +19.5%
Annual growth 8.1%
Minifig number twn416
Mom minifigure in a bright light orange jacket, with medium lavender legs, and dark orange hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.96
Growth +27.0%
Annual growth 7.6%
Minifig number twn415
Boy with dark brown hair wearing a white sweater with red horizontal stripes and sand blue short legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.43
Growth +4.3%
Annual growth 1.2%
Minifig number twn414
Female fairground worker with white stripes and red bow tie, lime legs, and bright light yellow hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.57
Growth +27.9%
Annual growth 7.8%
Minifig number twn413
Male fairground worker in white stripes and red bow tie, wearing a black top hat and lime legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.61
Growth +29.9%
Annual growth 8.3%
Minifig number twn412
A dad minifigure wearing a light bluish gray hoodie over a dark red shirt, with dark blue legs and black hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.81
Growth +39.8%
Annual growth 5.9%
Minifig number twn411
Female astronaut with reddish brown hair, wearing a flat silver spacesuit with harness and white panel featuring Classic Space Logo
Buy this Minifig at
Value $5.26
Growth +3.1%
Annual growth 4.5%
Minifig number twn410
Boy with black hair wearing a dark red jacket and dark turquoise short legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.11
Growth +5.0%
Annual growth 1.4%
Minifig number twn409
Woman with dark brown hair wearing a dark red V-neck sweater under a blue jacket and medium blue legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $1.84
Growth +17.9%
Annual growth 4.7%
Minifig number twn408
Girl tourist with dark orange hair wearing a bright pink top with butterflies and flowers and dark turquoise short legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.20
Growth +9.5%
Annual growth 2.5%
Minifig number twn407
Male surfer with dark brown hair in a white tank top with dark azure windsurf and dark blue legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.14
Growth +6.5%
Annual growth 1.7%
Minifig number twn401
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.76
Growth +24.9%
Annual growth 6.2%
Minifig number twn400
Male astronaut in a flat silver spacesuit
Buy this Minifig at
Value $5.72
Growth +19.4%
Annual growth 4.2%
Minifig number twn399
Female minifigure with reddish brown hair, wearing a green jacket and red legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.54
Growth +14.4%
Annual growth 3.2%
Minifig number twn398
Male minifigure wearing a dark tan vest over a dark azure shirt, dark tan legs, and dark brown hair
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.50
Growth +12.6%
Annual growth 2.9%
Minifig number twn397
A boy with dark orange hair, wearing a Classic Space shirt with red sleeves and dark blue short legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.60
Growth +17.1%
Annual growth 3.8%
Minifig number twn396
Driver with dark brown hair wearing a dark blue jacket, dark tan legs with dark bluish gray splotches
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.89
Growth +7.0%
Annual growth 1.6%
Minifig number twn395
Female mechanic with dark blue overalls and legs, sporting a dark orange ponytail under a dark blue ball cap
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.00
Growth +11.1%
Annual growth 2.5%
Minifig number twn382
Male minifigure with dark red jacket over light bluish gray shirt, dark brown hair, and blue short legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.01
Growth +4.1%
Annual growth 1.4%
Minifig number twn381
Female toy store worker
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.27
Growth +10.7%
Annual growth 2.2%
Minifig number twn380
Man with a dark azure hoodie over a green striped shirt, tan legs, and a red cap
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.00
Growth +3.1%
Annual growth 1.4%
Minifig number twn379
Man with a black moustache wearing a tan tank top, reddish brown suspenders, and an aviator cap with dark bluish gray goggles
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.93
Growth +4.6%
Annual growth 2.9%
Minifig number twn378
Male minifigure wearing a blue jacket over a dark red V-neck sweater with reddish brown legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $1.99
Growth +41.1%
Annual growth 7.0%