The LEGO DC Super Hero Girls theme, released between 2016 and 2017, includes 16 mini-doll figures from 12 sets. These mini-doll figures have an average annual growth rate of 6.9%.
Most valuable DC Super Hero Girls mini-doll figure
Supergirl (shg011) $19.49
Most owned DC Super Hero Girls mini-doll figure
Wonder Woman (shg008)
Set with the most DC Super Hero Girls mini-doll figures
41232 Super Hero High School 3 mini-doll figures
The LEGO DC Super Hero Girls theme, active from 2016 to 2018, features mini-doll figures based on the popular DC Super Hero Girls franchise. Key mini-doll figures include teenage versions of iconic superheroes such as Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy, each designed to reflect their youthful and vibrant appearances from the series. These figures often come with unique accessories and outfits that highlight their superpowers and personalities. The theme focuses on the adventures and school life of these young heroes, emphasizing empowerment and friendship, and includes sets depicting locations like Super Hero High Schoo
Mini-doll figure number shg016
Value $15.06
Growth  +258.6%
Annual growth 13.6%
Mini-doll figure number shg015
The Flash - Unmasked
Value $8.09
Growth  +167.0%
Annual growth 7.5%
Mini-doll figure number shg014
A Wonder Woman minifigure dressed in full body armor
Value $12.11
Growth  +173.4%
Annual growth 9.3%
Mini-doll figure number shg013
Value $8.44
Growth  +158.1%
Annual growth 6.9%
Mini-doll figure number shg012
Batgirl with medium lavender legs wearing flat silver boots
Value $8.37
Growth  +79.6%
Annual growth 8.7%
Mini-doll figure number shg011
Supergirl with blue legs and red boots, also wearing blue gloves
Value $19.49
Growth  +246.2%
Annual growth 11.7%
Mini-doll figure number shg010
Harley Quinn wearing a black and red outfit
Value $7.85
Growth  +153.2%
Annual growth 8.7%
Mini-doll figure number shg009
Value $2.70
Growth  +1.5%
Annual growth 2.2%
Mini-doll figure number shg008
Value $11.09
Growth  +162.2%
Annual growth 7.7%
Mini-doll figure number shg007
Value $6.50
Growth  +149.0%
Annual growth 10.5%
Mini-doll figure number shg006
Supergirl wearing a red skirt
Value $10.75
Growth  +159.0%
Annual growth 11.9%
Mini-doll figure number shg005
Poison Ivy wearing a skirt
Value $5.38
Growth  +63.0%
Annual growth 6.5%
Mini-doll figure number shg004
Value $2.76
Growth  +5.3%
Annual growth 1.0%
Mini-doll figure number shg003
Value $1.85
Mini-doll figure number shg002
Harley Quinn wearing blue shorts
Value $3.76
Growth  +8.0%
Annual growth 1.0%
Mini-doll figure number shg001
Batgirl with black legs and bright light orange boots
Value $8.00
Growth  +144.6%
Annual growth 10.0%