The LEGO DC Super Hero Girls collection, based on the superhero action figure franchise and web series by Warner Bros., centers on Super Hero High School, where well-known DC heroes attend challenging classes and navigate growing up with superpowers. Aimed at young girls, the collection includes characters and concepts from the DC Comics animated series and has two LEGO animated specials: LEGO DC Super Hero Girls Brain Drain and LEGO DC Super Hero Girls Super-Villain High.
Theme / Subtheme DC Super Hero Girls / Promotional
Year 2017
Pieces 55
Availability Retired
30546 LEGO Krypto Saves the Day
Retail $3.99
Value $4.77
Growth  +19.5%
Annual growth 10.7%
Theme / Subtheme DC Super Hero Girls / Promotional
Year 2016
Pieces / Mini-doll figures 5 / 1
Availability Retired
LEGO NY Comic-Con 2016 Batgirl
Value $49.33
Annual growth 32.4%