The LEGO DC Super Hero Girls collection, based on the superhero action figure franchise and web series by Warner Bros., centers on Super Hero High School, where well-known DC heroes attend challenging classes and navigate growing up with superpowers. Aimed at young girls, the collection includes characters and concepts from the DC Comics animated series and has two LEGO animated specials: LEGO DC Super Hero Girls Brain Drain and LEGO DC Super Hero Girls Super-Villain High.
2017 LEGO Sets
2017 was a big year for the LEGO movies with the release of The LEGO Batman Movie and The LEGO Ninjago Movie. With these films LEGO gave us a number of new sets and themes around these movies, with many of them already being significant investments for collectors. We also saw a number of new themes released that year including BrickHeadz, DC Super Hero Girls, Boost and of course sets for The LEGO Batman and The LEGO Ninjago movies. However, sadly as it is LEGo did retire the much beloved BIONICLE and Mixels themes as well as the short-lived The Angry Birds Movie theme.