The LEGO Juniors Disney Princess sets, designed for younger builders, feature simplified builds of beloved characters and scenes from Disney Princess films. Notable sets include 10729 Cinderella’s Carriage (2016), featuring Cinderella, her horse-drawn carriage, and a small castle tower; 10736 Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Playground (2017), which includes Anna and Elsa mini-dolls, an ice castle, and a slide; 10738 Snow White’s Forest Cottage (2017), featuring Snow White, a forest cottage, and woodland creatures; and 10765 Ariel’s Underwater Concert (2018), which includes Ariel, Flounder, a dolphin, and an underwater concert stage. These sets provide an easy and engaging way for younger builders to recreate magical moments from Disney Princess stories.
Juniors Disney Princess Cinderella's Carriage set 10729 was released in March 2016, retailing for $25, but has since been retired. New, unopened Cinderella's Carriage sets are valued at $41, while used sets can be found for $19 in good condition.
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