The LEGO DUPLO Mickey Mouse Clubhouse sets, released in 2016, are designed to introduce young children to the world of Mickey Mouse and his friends through imaginative play. Notable sets include "Mickey & Friends House" (10827), which features a buildable house with furniture, accessories, and figures of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse; and "Mickey's Workshop" (10829), which includes a workshop building with tools, a car, and a Mickey Mouse figure. These sets aim to develop fine motor skills and creativity while bringing the magic of Disney's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to life.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse consists of 3 sets that ran from 2014 to 2016. As of today,
10827 Mickey & Friends House is the most valuable Mickey Mouse Clubhouse set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $112.
Duplo Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey & Friends House set 10827 was released on May 22, 2016, retailing for $35, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at $112, while used sets sell around $32.
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