Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Antique Car since June 2016. Medium accuracy
LEGO 196 Antique Car was a 115 piece Building Set with People set released in 1974. It includes two Homemaker figures, a driver and a passenger. The current value for a new and sealed Antique Car is estimated at $259, with an average annual growth of approximately 8%, which is higher than other Building Set with People sets. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $33 and $42, depending on its condition.
Antique Car is a relatively rare set, as we have not seen set 196-1 for sale in primary or secondary markets in over 6 months. The current value of this set might be slightly higher than our current estimate. The last brand new Antique Car was sold on eBay.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

There are currently no new/sealed listings available for 196 Antique Car at this time.

For Sale (Used)

(US) Used but in good condition. No box or instructions. $33.00
(US) Used - eBay listings for 196 Antique Car ~$35.25
(FR) Used - 100% complete in OLD condition. Minifig in good condition. Transclear parts ye... $35.84
(NL) Used - Complete with extra parts to build more items. No instructions $39.20

Related Sets

Year 1974
Pieces 121
Availability Retired
252 LEGO Locomotive with Driver and Passenger
Retail $2.98
Value $193.54
Growth  +6394.6%
Annual growth 6.5%

Sets in Building Set with People

Year 1974
Pieces 92
Availability Retired
251 LEGO Windmill with Miller and Wife
Retail $1.99
Value $88.47
Growth  +4345.7%
Annual growth 6.0%
Year 1974
Pieces 90
Availability Retired
250-3 LEGO Aeroplane and Pilot
Retail $2.49
Value $96.30
Growth  +3767.5%
Annual growth 3.9%
Year 1974
Pieces 78
Availability Retired
200 LEGO Family
Retail $4.99
Value $115.64
Growth  +2217.4%
Annual growth 5.3%
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