Is this LEGO set a good investment?
“Over that last few years Spike Essential Spare Minifigs has been a particularly good investment for Education collectors with an annualized growth of upwards of 23.5% per year. However, there is market indication that the set will experience a slight annual growth decrease in the coming years, but this should be only by a few percentage points at most. When compared to the vast majority of set in the Education theme, this set is still an excellent investment for collectors.”
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“Minifigures in educational sets are a pretty heated topic that has its proponents (mostly kids) and opponents (mostly teachers). Each side has some good arguments. Playing with minifigures makes it easier for some kids to relate to the project. On the other hand, it can be... More challenging to convince students to focus on anything else than the minifigure. Nonetheless, they are already in the kit, so let’s make the most of them.”