Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Road Repair Crew since June 2016. High accuracy
LEGO 214 Road Repair Crew was a 68 piece Building Set with People set released in 1977. It is also called "Road Repair" as well as "Road Works". The set consists of a tractor with front loader and two maxifigs.

Today's value for a new, sealed Road Repair Crew is estimated around $54, with an average yearly gain of 3.8%, expected to level off to around 1.1% in the coming year. Current used prices for Road Repair Crew range from $16 to $23, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $17 for those in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(NL) - Parcel shipment. Box is partially unglued and a little bit open. There is some writ... $51.22
(US) eBay listings for Road Repair Crew ~$52.54

Sets in Building Set with People

Year 1977
Pieces 274
Availability Retired
218 LEGO Firemen
Retail $9.49
Value $346.01
Growth  +3546.0%
Annual growth 7.8%
Year 1977
Pieces 228
Availability Retired
217 LEGO Service Station
Retail $7.49
Value $165.49
Growth  +2109.5%
Annual growth 6.7%
Year 1977
Pieces 93
Availability Retired
215 LEGO Red Indians
Retail $3.49
Value $175.38
Growth  +4925.2%
Annual growth 6.4%
Year 1977
Pieces 86
Availability Retired
192 LEGO Policemen
Retail $3.97
Value $75.88
Growth  +1811.3%
Annual growth 5.4%
Year 1977
Pieces 48
Availability Retired
213 LEGO Airplane Ride
Retail $3.97
Value $78.67
Growth  +1881.6%
Annual growth 6.4%
Year 1977
Pieces 45
Availability Retired
199 LEGO Scooter
Retail $3.49
Value $188.12
Growth  +5290.3%
Annual growth 8.6%
Year 1977
Pieces 41
Availability Retired
198 LEGO Cowboys
Retail $2.49
Value $58.77
Growth  +2260.2%
Annual growth 9.7%