Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Granny's House since June 1994. Medium accuracy
LEGO 2792 Granny's House was a 44 piece Duplo set with 2 Duplo figures released in 1994. The current value for a new and sealed Granny's House is estimated at $173, with an average annual growth of approximately 4%. Current used prices for Granny's House range from $141 to $160, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $143 for those in good overall condition.
Granny's House has become a rare set, as set 2792-1 has not been available for sale online or in retail in new and good condition for over one year. The current value of this set might be slightly higher than our current estimate. The last brand new Granny's House was sold on eBay.
There are currently no new/sealed listings available for Granny's House at this time.
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Duplo figures

Granny's House contains 2 duplo figures.

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Annual growth 1.4%
Theme Duplo
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Pieces / Duplo figures 29 / 2
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Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 19 / 1
Availability Retired
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Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 19 / 1
Availability Retired
2788 LEGO Duplo Kitchen
Retail $14.99
Value $70.28
Growth  +368.8%
Annual growth 5.1%
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 17 / 2
Availability Retired
2789 LEGO Duplo Bathroom
Value $93.41
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 16 / 2
Availability Retired
2681 LEGO Duplo Lion Safari
Value $40.00
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 11 / 2
Availability Retired
2787 LEGO Duplo Nursery
Retail $8.99
Value $47.51
Growth  +428.5%
Annual growth 4.7%
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 10 / 3
Availability Retired
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Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 8 / 1
Availability Retired
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Value $18.14
Growth  +81.6%
Annual growth 1.9%
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 8 / 1
Availability Retired
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Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 5 / 6
Availability Retired
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Theme Duplo
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Pieces / Duplo figures 5 / 3
Availability Retired
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Retail $12.99
Value $40.00
Growth  +207.9%
Annual growth 3.4%
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 4 / 1
Availability Retired
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Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 4 / 1
Availability Retired
2621 LEGO Duplo Octan Motorbike Transporter
Retail $8.99
Value $33.95
Growth  +277.6%
Annual growth 4.4%
Theme Duplo
Year 1994
Pieces / Duplo figures 2 / 2
Availability Retired
2784 LEGO Duplo Mother & Baby
Retail $5.99
Value $110.00
Growth  +1736.4%
Annual growth 9.1%