The LEGO Disney Storybook Adventure sets are a subset within the LEGO Disney theme, designed to resemble books that open up to reveal a miniature playset inside. Each set represents a different Disney story, such as "Frozen," "Mulan," "Beauty and the Beast," and "Ariel's Undersea Adventure." Inside the book-like case, there are small dioramas or scenes relevant to the respective movie, along with micro-dolls and other accessories
Storybook Adventures currently consists of 6 sets that as of now has run from 2020 to 2023.
Disney Storybook Adventures Mulan's Storybook Adventures set 43174 was released on January 2, 2020, retailing for $20, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at $35, used ones can be found for $22.
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