Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Aquazone Accessories since June 2016. High accuracy
LEGO 5160 Aquazone Accessories was a 18 piece Service Packs exclusive set released in 1995. The current value for a new and sealed Aquazone Accessories is estimated at $32, with an average annual growth of approximately 8%. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $13 and $16, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) Aquazone Accessories (5160)
BrickEconomy Choice
(US) 5160 Aquazone Accessories Service Pack Sealed New $50.00

Sets in Service Packs / Aquazone

Theme / Subtheme Service Packs / Aquazone
Year 1998
Pieces 19
Availability Retired
5382 LEGO Aquazone Accessories
Retail $3.99
Value $23.69
Growth  +493.7%
Annual growth 5.9%

Sets in Service Packs 1995

Year 1995
Pieces 37
Availability Retired
5127 LEGO Antennas and Control Sticks
Retail $2.99
Value $20.76
Growth  +594.3%
Annual growth 4.5%
Year 1995
Pieces 32
Availability Retired
5132 LEGO Wheels, Bearings and Suspension
Retail $3.49
Value $13.79
Growth  +295.1%
Annual growth 4.6%
Theme / Subtheme Service Packs / Town
Year 1995
Pieces 31
Availability Retired
5125 LEGO Town Space Port Launch Command Accessories
Retail $2.99
Value $14.61
Growth  +388.6%
Annual growth 5.2%
Theme / Subtheme Service Packs / Castle
Year 1995
Pieces 30
Availability Retired
5135 LEGO Castle Accessories
Retail $3.49
Value $90.00
Growth  +2478.8%
Annual growth 7.8%
Theme / Subtheme Service Packs / Pirates
Year 1995
Pieces 28
Availability Retired
5134 LEGO Pirate Cannons with Wheels
Retail $3.99
Value $24.28
Growth  +508.5%
Annual growth 6.5%
Year 1995
Pieces 18
Availability Retired
5126 LEGO Crane and Digger Accessories
Retail $3.49
Value $15.00
Growth  +329.8%
Annual growth 5.2%