The LEGO City Fire theme, an integral part of the LEGO City line, focuses on various aspects of firefighting. Throughout the years, this theme has introduced a variety of sets that depict firefighters, their advanced vehicles, fire stations, and rescue scenarios. From towering fire engines to specialized equipment like helicopters and boats, the sets encapsulate the challenges faced by firefighters as they combat blazes, execute rescues, and ensure the safety of the LEGO City inhabitants.
Fire was introduced in 2005 and currently consists of 73 sets. As of today,
7208 Fire Station is the most valuable Fire set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $276.
City Fire 4x4 Fire Truck Rescue set 60393 was released in January 2023, retailing for $10, but has since been retired. New, unopened 4x4 Fire Truck Rescue sets are valued at $11, while used sets can be found for $7 in good condition.
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