Minifigures Series 21 (71029) is a series of collectable minifigures released in 2021. The included minifigures are Jaguar Warrior, Space Police Officer, Violinist Boy, Alien Crook, Female Centaur, Beekeeper, Ladybird Girl, Pug Costume Boy, Surfer, Singer, Plane Costume Girl, and a Castaway. Unlike most previous series, Series 21 only contained 12 minifigures in the series as opposed to the typical 16.
Series 21 was introduced in 2021 and currently consists of 15 sets. As of today,
Series 21 Sealed Box is the most valuable Series 21 set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $191.
Minifigure Series Series 21 Cabaret Singer set 71029 was released on January 2, 2021, retailing for $5, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at $9, while used sets sell around $3.
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