LEGO Ninjago, also known as Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, theme was introduced in 2011 and included sets that are based off of original storylines, a TV series and The LEGO Ninjago Movie, a movie based on the theme. The main premise of the Ninjago universe is based around six teenage Ninja, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya, and Lloyd, who have been trained by their master Sensei Wu, fighting forces of evil to protect the land of Ninjago.
Crystalized was introduced in 2022 and currently consists of 8 sets. As of today,
71774 Lloyd's Golden Ultra Dragon is the most valuable Crystalized set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $190.
Ninjago Crystalized Zane's Golden Dragon Jet set 71770 was released in June 2022, retailing for $35, but has since been retired. New, unopened Zane's Golden Dragon Jet sets are valued at $46, while used sets can be found for $20.
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