LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy is a subtheme of Marvel initially released in 2014 based on the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios. The sets are based on the film's plot which includes Peter Quill rallying his ragtag group, gun-toting Rocket Raccoon, treelike-humanoid Groot, enigmatic Gamora, and vengeance-driven Drax the Destroyer, to save the universe.
Guardians of the Galaxy was introduced in 2014 and currently consists of 13 sets. As of today,
San Diego Comic-Con Rocket Raccoon's Warbird is the most valuable Guardians of the Galaxy set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $444.
Marvel Super Heroes Guardians of the Galaxy Starblaster Showdown set 76019 was released on June 3, 2014, retailing for $20, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at $53, used ones can be found for $32.
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