The LEGO Marvel Spider-Man theme is a subset of the LEGO Marvel line, centering on the character Spider-Man and elements from his universe. These sets include pieces and minifigures that depict Spider-Man, his allies, adversaries, and various scenes or vehicles associated with him. Originally Spider-Man had its own theme but was later merged into the Marvel Super Heroes theme.
Spider-Man was introduced in 2014 and currently consists of 43 sets. As of today,
76057 Spider-Man Web Warriors Ultimate Bridge Battle is the most valuable Spider-Man set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $300.
Marvel Super Heroes Spider-Man Carnage set 76199 was released on March 12, 2021, retailing for $60, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at $96, used ones can be found for $80.
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