Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Helicopter Transporter since May 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 7686 Helicopter Transporter was a 377 piece City set with 3 minifigs released in 2009. It was a Special Edition CITY set and consists of a traffic copter, transporter truck, and motorcycle.

It was retired in December 2009 with a lifespan of 7 months. Today's value for a new, sealed Helicopter Transporter is estimated around $75, with an average yearly gain of 2.3%, expected to level off to around 1.8% in the coming year. On secondary markets, the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between $61 and $84. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $22 and $34, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) *** Best US listing for Helicopter Transporter ***
BrickEconomy Choice
(CA) BrickLink store Prescribed Bricks $59.22
(DK) Box has pressure damage on front side. No shelfwear or other damage. Ask for picture... $62.00
(DE) BrickLink store A-Z International $69.24
(CA) New Sealed $74.02
(NL) BrickLink store CrocoBricks $76.60
(NL) NEW $77.25
(US) Amazon listing for Helicopter Transporter $78.34
(NL) misb perfect puntgaafboxcondition 9.5-10/10 $80.87
(HK) - MISB, box condition 6~7/10, outer box may have some dents/scratches/shelfwears. Goo... $84.00
(US) NEW LEGO 7686 CITY Helicopter Transporter $87.00
(NL) NEW part of adult LEGO collection. $89.38
(US) New Lego City Transportation Helicopter Transporter (7686) Retired $90.00
(CA) BrickLink store rapidos2 $110.00
Show 2 more listings

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 7686 Helicopter Transporter.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 7686 Helicopter Transporter.

Sets in City / Traffic

Theme / Subtheme City / Traffic
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 953 / 4
Availability Retired
7642 LEGO City Garage
Retail $99.99
Value $269.99
Growth  +170.0%
Annual growth 4.7%
Theme / Subtheme City / Traffic
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 483 / 5
Availability Retired
7641 LEGO Traffic City Corner
Retail $59.99
Value $99.95
Growth  +66.6%
Annual growth 4.0%
Theme / Subtheme City / Traffic
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 444 / 2
Availability Retired
7747 LEGO City Wind Turbine Transport
Retail $59.99
Value $139.04
Growth  +131.8%
Annual growth 4.0%
Theme / Subtheme City / Traffic
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 165 / 2
Availability Retired
7639 LEGO City Camper
Retail $16.99
Value $44.55
Growth  +162.2%
Annual growth 3.8%
Theme / Subtheme City / Traffic
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 129 / 1
Availability Retired
7638 LEGO City Tow Truck
Retail $12.99
Value $40.00
Growth  +207.9%
Annual growth 8.2%
Theme / Subtheme City / Traffic
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 68 / 1
Availability Retired
8402 LEGO City Sports Car
Retail $9.99
Value $15.84
Growth  +58.6%
Annual growth 2.5%
When there’s a major traffic jam in Lego City, the Road Rescue crew knows just what to do. Send the motorcycle ahead to scout out the situation, then drive up in the truck and launch the traffic copter into the air to get a bird’s-eye view of the problem. Loaded with action play! Build the helicopter, transporter truck and motorcycle!

Includes 3 minifigures and accessories!
Loaded with action play! Build the helicopter, transporter truck and motorcycle!
Lift the hood of the truck, spin the helicopter propeller and store tools in the various tool compartments!
Transporter Truck measures 15 inches (38.1cm) long by 2.5 inches (6.4cm) tall!
Helicopter measures 7 inches (17.8cm) long by 3 inches (7.6cm) tall!
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