Is this LEGO set a good investment?
“For an older Bohrok Va set, Lehvak Va has outperformed other sets in the theme with an average annual return of 10.4%, which has made it a solid past and expected future investment.”
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“8552 Levahk Va is a BIONICLE set released in 2002. It is one of the Bohrok Va. It wields dual katana-like swords and carries a grey Krana on its back. In the BIONICLE universe, they were scouts and couriers, like the other Bohrok Va. It accompanies the Lehvak.”
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“It's very cool for a little set. Like the va, are different comparing to the turaga. The head isn't symetrical, but it is great, and is maded with a shield, to like the green bohrok. Also includes a Krana. You can think that these little sets aren't awesome, but, can be... More using at creations.”
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“The Lehvak Va set was released in winter 2002 as one of the six Bohrok Va sets. The Kabaya version of Lehvak Va was also advertised as combining with 1431 Tahnok Va, 1432 Nuhvok Va, and 1433 Gahlok Va to create one of three possible combiners. Only one of these combiners has... More instructions provided.”