Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Vamprah since May 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 8692 Vamprah was a 49 piece Bionicle set released in 2008. It features a character with black wings, hook claws, wing knives, a Mask of Hunger, and a Tridax Pod containing shadow leeches.

It was retired in April 2009 with a lifespan of 16 months. The current value for a new and sealed Vamprah is estimated at $92, with an average annual growth of approximately 6%, which is lower than other Phantoka sets. On secondary markets, the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between $73 and $106. Current used prices for Vamprah range from $26 to $36, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $30 for those in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(DE) 8692 Bionicle Phantoka Vamprah NEU&OVP $92.64
(NL) New and sealed, extreme rare $109.72
(US) Bionicle 8692 Vamprah NEW RARE Phantoka Blue Makuta Bat Wings Shadow Leech
BrickEconomy Choice

For Sale (Used)

(US) Used - Bionicle 8692 Phantoka Makuta : Vamprah (2 Shadow Leeches)
(AU) Used - Bionicle - Phantoka - Vamprah (8692)
(US) Used - BIONICLE: Vamprah (8692) Excellent condition, instructions included
(US) Used - BIONICLE: Phantoka Vamprah (8692) 100% Complete
(US) Used - 8692 Bionicle Phantoka Vamprah Set
(AU) Used - BIONICLE Phantoka VAMPRAH 8692 100% COMPLETE w Parts List & 4 Shadow Leech

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 8692 Vamprah.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 8692 Vamprah.

Related Sets

Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Matoran
Year 2008
Pieces 14
Availability Retired
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Retail $6.99
Value $61.63
Growth  +781.7%
Annual growth 8.5%

Sets in Bionicle / Phantoka

Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Phantoka
Year 2008
Pieces 68
Availability Retired
8687 LEGO Bionicle Phantoka Toa Pohatu
Retail $12.99
Value $101.96
Growth  +684.9%
Annual growth 8.7%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Phantoka
Year 2008
Pieces 54
Availability Retired
8685 LEGO Bionicle Phantoka Toa Kopaka
Retail $12.99
Value $125.23
Growth  +864.0%
Annual growth 10.4%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Phantoka
Year 2008
Pieces 53
Availability Retired
8691 LEGO Bionicle Phantoka Antroz
Retail $12.99
Value $139.95
Growth  +977.4%
Annual growth 10.6%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Phantoka
Year 2008
Pieces 52
Availability Retired
8686 LEGO Bionicle Phantoka Toa Lewa
Retail $12.99
Value $151.66
Growth  +1067.5%
Annual growth 9.6%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Phantoka
Year 2008
Pieces 49
Availability Retired
8693 LEGO Bionicle Phantoka Chirox
Retail $12.99
Value $86.63
Growth  +566.9%
Annual growth 9.3%
Diving silently through the air on his huge black wings, Makuta Vamprah strikes fear into the hearts of even the other Brotherhood members. He's ready to crush the Toa Nuva with his Mask of Hunger, vicious hook claws, razor-sharp wing knives, and Tridax Pod with shadow leeches.
Description provided by LEGO©