Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Jetrax T6 since April 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 8942 Jetrax T6 was a 422 piece Bionicle set released in 2008. It features the Jetrax T6 vehicle with an opening cockpit, foldable turbines, and three functional Midak Skyblasters. Includes a special-edition Antroz.

It was retired in December 2009 with a lifespan of 17 months. The current value for a new and sealed Jetrax T6 is estimated at $250, with an average annual growth of approximately 6%, which is lower than other Battle Vehicles sets. Current used prices for Jetrax T6 range from $99 to $122, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $101 for those in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) Bionicle Battle Vehicles Jetrax T6 (8942)
BrickEconomy Choice
(US) NEW - Sealed $248.98
(US) Bionicle: Jetrax T6 8942 (Box Damage (New) $249.95
(US) Amazon listing for Jetrax T6 ~$262.27
(DE) 8942 Bionicle Jetrax T6 NEU&OVP RARITT $267.65
(US) $295.00
(US) Bionicle Jetrax T6- Discontinued Set. Unopened Box. $320.00
(US) 8942 Bionicle Battle Vehicles Jetrax T6 Retired Hard to Find Brand New $408.00

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 8942 Jetrax T6.

Related Sets

Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Battle Vehicles
Year 2008
Pieces 422
Availability Retired
8942-2 LEGO Bionicle Battle Vehicles Jetrax T6
Retail $49.99
Value $569.70
Growth  +1039.6%
Annual growth 12.9%

Sets in Bionicle / Battle Vehicles

Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Battle Vehicles
Year 2008
Pieces 693
Availability Retired
8943 LEGO Bionicle Battle Vehicles Axalara T9
Retail $79.99
Value $292.98
Growth  +266.3%
Annual growth 7.0%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Battle Vehicles
Year 2008
Pieces 390
Availability Retired
8941 LEGO Bionicle Battle Vehicles Rockoh T3
Retail $39.99
Value $191.46
Growth  +378.8%
Annual growth 9.2%
Pure power!

Makuta Antroz has hijacked the Jetrax T6 and now flies it against the Toa Nuva! Open the cockpit to put him inside, then use the three powerful blasters mounted on the front to launch an attack.

Includes special-edition Antroz figure!
Jetrax T6 has 3 Midak Skyblasters that really fire!
Cockpit opens and turbines fold in!
Antoz stands 7" (18cm) tall!
Jetrax T6 measures 21" (53cm) long and 16" (41cm) wide!
Description provided by LEGO©