Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Kirop since May 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 8949 Kirop was a 14 piece Bionicle set released in 2008. It features a figure with red eyes, wings, large claw blades, and the ability to combine with set 8693 Chirox. It was retired in January 2009 with a lifespan of 13 months. The current value for a new and sealed Kirop is estimated at $52, with an average annual growth of approximately 5%, which is lower than other Matoran sets. Current used prices for Kirop range from $10 to $12, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $10 for those in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) *** Best US listing for Kirop ***
BrickEconomy Choice
(UK) The set is brand new in a sealed box. The box is in near-mint condition, straps are u... $39.26
(NL) Sealed $42.60
(DE) BrickLink store Set Shop Boy $51.38
(HU) the print is faded on the box's front $54.70
(US) $55.00
(US) [NEW] Lego Bionicle Kirop (8949) - Lego 8949 Retired $64.99
(DE) BIONICLE: Kirop (8949) Neu OVP $71.03
(US) BIONICLE: Kirop (8949) NEW & FACTORY SEALED $75.00
(US) BIONICLE: Kirop (8949) NEW & FACTORY SEALED $79.99

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 8949 Kirop.

Related Sets

Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Phantoka
Year 2008
Pieces 49
Availability Retired
8693 LEGO Bionicle Phantoka Chirox
Retail $12.99
Value $86.63
Growth  +566.9%
Annual growth 9.3%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Mistika
Year 2008
Pieces 40
Availability Retired
8694 LEGO Bionicle Mistika Krika
Retail $12.99
Value $166.36
Growth  +1180.7%
Annual growth 12.0%

Sets in Bionicle / Matoran

Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Matoran
Year 2008
Pieces 16
Availability Retired
8947 LEGO Bionicle Matoran Radiak
Retail $6.99
Value $65.68
Growth  +839.6%
Annual growth 15.1%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Matoran
Year 2008
Pieces 14
Availability Retired
8944 LEGO Bionicle Matoran Tanma
Retail $6.99
Value $50.00
Growth  +615.3%
Annual growth 5.8%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Matoran
Year 2008
Pieces 14
Availability Retired
8945 LEGO Bionicle Matoran Solek
Retail $6.99
Value $54.25
Growth  +676.1%
Annual growth 7.3%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Matoran
Year 2008
Pieces 14
Availability Retired
8946 LEGO Bionicle Matoran Photok
Retail $6.99
Value $43.26
Growth  +518.9%
Annual growth 5.7%
Theme / Subtheme Bionicle / Matoran
Year 2008
Pieces 14
Availability Retired
8948 LEGO Bionicle Matoran Gavla
Retail $6.99
Value $61.63
Growth  +781.7%
Annual growth 8.5%
Once he was the leader of the Matoran in Karda Nui -- now he rules the evil Matoran who threaten their lives! Large claw blades and wings are his most formidable weapons. Combine with 8693 Chirox to spread darkness and fear! Kirop has red eyes, wings and large claw blades!
Stands 5½" (14cm) tall!
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