Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Infrared Seeker since October 2007. Medium accuracy
LEGO Infrared Seeker was a Mindstorms set released in 2007. It features an Infrared Seeker sensor with five detectors at 60º intervals for direction and strength detection of infrared light.

It was retired in July 2011 with a lifespan of 45 months. The current value for a new, factory sealed Infrared Seeker is estimated to be around $56. Current used prices for Infrared Seeker range from $41 to $50, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $41 for those in good overall condition.
Infrared Seeker is an extremely rare LEGO set these days, as we have not seen set MS1042-1 for sale online or in retail stores in good/new condition for over 2 years. Due to the rarity of this hard-to-find set, the current estimated value of $56.34 may be much lower than its true value, assuming it can be found for sale.
There are currently no new/sealed listings available for Infrared Seeker at this time.
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Sets in Mindstorms / NXT

Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / NXT
Year 2007
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
4524081 LEGO Mindstorms NXT CD
Retail $19.99
Value $29.69
Growth  +48.5%
Annual growth 2.5%
Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / NXT
Year 2007
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
LEGO Color Sensor for Mindstorms NXT
Retail $54.99
Value $61.56
Growth  +11.9%
Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / NXT
Year 2007
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
LEGO Accelerometer Sensor for Mindstorms NXT
Retail $54.99
Value $56.00
Growth  +1.8%
Annual growth 1.4%
Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / NXT
Year 2007
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
LEGO Mindstorms NXT Gyroscopic Sensor
Retail $54.99
Value $84.86
Growth  +54.3%
Annual growth 3.3%
Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / NXT
Year 2007
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
LEGO Mindstorms NXT Infrared Link Sensor
Retail $54.99
Value $68.37
Growth  +24.3%
Annual growth 1.6%
Infrared Seeker power for your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT robots! Upgrade your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT creations with the Infrared Seeker sensor! Your robots will be able to detect infrared light sources and determine their direction and relative strength thanks to 5 infrared detectors arrayed at 60º intervals.

Includes 1 Infrared Seeker.
Does not include connector cable.
This is the individual component, and does not include the NXT Intelligent Brick, software or any accessories. It requires the complete LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT set (#8527 or #8547) for use.
Description provided by LEGO©