Maersk is a subtheme of Advanced Models that consists of 3 sets that ran from 2004 to 2014. As of today, the average annual growth of sets in Advanced Models Maersk is approximately 5.8% per year.
Most valuable Advanced Models Maersk set
10241 Maersk Line Triple-E $442.93
Highest growth Advanced Models Maersk set
10152 Maersk Sealand Container Ship +247.95%
The Creator Advanced Models Maersk theme is based on the Maersk shipping company headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark with a focuse on cargo transportation. Currently sets in this theme concentrate on container ships first introduced 2004. With traditional Creator set, Maersk sets features larger number of pieces and were designed to be built by more expert builders. All of the Maersk sets have included light grey cargo containers.
Theme / Subtheme Advanced Models / Maersk
Year 2014
Pieces 1,518
Availability Retired
10241 LEGO Maersk Line Triple-E
Retail $149.99
Value $442.93
Growth  +195.3%
Annual growth 8.0%
Theme / Subtheme Advanced Models / Maersk
Year 2010
Pieces 990
Availability Retired
10155 LEGO Maersk Line Container Ship
Retail $119.99
Value $267.97
Growth  +123.3%
Annual growth 5.4%
Theme / Subtheme Advanced Models / Maersk
Year 2004
Pieces 988
Availability Retired
10152 LEGO Maersk Sealand Container Ship
Retail $74.99
Value $260.93
Growth  +248.0%
Annual growth 6.1%